Abundance Builders Cooperate (ABC) Studio Residency, Winter Program
Los Angeles, CA
As lead facilitator for ITS-IN-SCOPE's winter residency season, I structured a 13-week program to guide artists through their thesis incubation period. Our sessions integrated Human Design with creative inquiry to support residents as they alchemized personal reflection into installation proposals. The program culminated in a month-long exhibition at Moonwater Farm.
Year: 2023 - 2024
Location: Memoryhaus 555
Alex Mercier
Altagracia Alvarado
Annalie Juan
Jacob Nadir Gray
Juniper Jones
Marvin James
Philip "Tru" Patrick Harper
SunXochitl Castro
Host Organization: ITS-IN-SCOPE
Partner Site: Moonwater Farm
The ITS-IN-SCOPE Studio Residency is a yearlong program for “collective learning and contemporary archiving practice that’s re-membering intuition through pedagogy, placemaking and propaganda.” The winter season of this residency is designed as an incubation period — a time for deep reflection on a shared thesis, before a spring creative production flow that prepares residents for a culminating summer/fall exhibition. Building on methodologies that I had just cultivated, Abundance Builders Cooperate (ABC) was an opportunity to integrate learnings gained from my So-LAR Residency experience almost immediately after leaving New Mexico.
As the winter season’s facilitator and program developer, I came up with a progression of 13 weekly "waves," each mapped to the lunar cycle, for residents to move through a sequence of guided explorations; connecting personal values to larger possibilities for cooperative care-taking and collective visioning. The program moved through three distinct phases: individual reflection, collective mapping, and proposal crafting. Through carefully sequenced virtual and in-person sessions, residents developed exhibition proposals that aligned their personal creative practices with the residency's broader mission of building cooperative models for artistic production. The integration of Human Design tools provided a shared language for understanding individual creative patterns, while regular gatherings at Moonwater Farm grounded our virtual explorations in physical space. This way of working — what the group terms as "ritualized weaving" — demonstrated how residency environments can nurture both personal and systemic transformation when structured with intention.