
[12-25-19 11:58 PM Pacific Standard Time]


FIRE is the sun which comes to heat the Earth and permit the belief in good conditions. It will be characterized by panache, charm, magnetism, harmony, beauty, confidence, warmth, enthusiasm, passion, the emotions and kindness. The Fire comes to add the final touch of human warmth and beauty to the Earth-Water-Air system. In Numerology, Fire corresponds in principle to the numbers 1, 3, 9 and sometimes 2 vibrations (the sensitivity and human warmth of the 2).



[12-16-19 3:29 PM Pacific Standard Time]

name: jordan

pseudonym: jolivia, networking cowgirl, digital darling

pronoun: her/she 

dharma: independent research

kin: 21


i channel understanding to perceive and transmit

in between discrete states of existence

remaining an open vessel

a bridge

where the seen and unseen collide

and convene

physical and infinite

i am guided by the power of life force

timeless source energy


i am a systems architect


modeling being


new earth 

contact: joliviacald@gmail.com

note: please reach out if you’re interested in collaborating ~

references: graphic portfolio, manifest 1.0 




[3-8-19 1:37 PM Eastern Standard Time]


I’m Jordan. Welcome to my home (digital) frequency. This is the best space for us to stay in touch. I’m glad you’re here. I use this site to archive ideas and “memory” of all kinds. As well as update and maintain a current portfolio. I love pen pals, don’t hesitate to write.

self and space • sound and experience

~networking cowgirl

About me:

Out in the world I am a student of speculative and emotional design (read: The necessary rise of emotional design). I currently channel this creative research practice into curating immersive art exhibitions as meaningful, physical experiences. I also enjoy contributing perspectives on user interface design. Most of my independent work consists of directing and producing video projects and light-based installations. I’m physically based between New York (Brooklyn) and (South) Bay Area, but like I said, you can always find me right here (read: original letter).

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